Friday, 20 November 2009


So I made the concious decision to get off of my bee-hind and attempt to start some writings again. I've had an influx of ideas for articles and other things, MOLE has a facebook group now so if your interested, join it, if you aren't interested, die. simple.

In other news there's a awesome magazine in these sheffieldian parts called Now Then
it's a arts, music, culture and politics free physical magazine that comes out monthly and I asked them if i could contribute a few bits and pieces. I have a gig review of The Field and the Bill Hicks doc (see below post) so that's pretty tidy, as one might say if they were northern...perhaps, i'm not sure i haven't learnt many northern colloquialisms since i've been here to be quite honest, which actually is a bit shit. anyway if you are from sheffield get the freebie copy of Now Then, not just because my shites in there but it is a genuinely nice little publication and it doesn't cost you anything. which is good isn't it?

ooh and psssst... MOLE 3, JAN 5TH, THE CAMDEN HEAD, CAMDEN, LONDON, ENG-ER-LAND. We're putting on bands and whatnot, it's gonna be a QUHWOOT.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

American: The Bill Hicks Story

Bill Hicks= saviour of all mankind. 15 years after his death at the age of 32 and Hicks is still as hilarious and relevant as he ever was. just saw a brand spanking new awesome documentary on the man himself and it was fantastic. the doc comprises footage of some of Hicks' material, anecdotes from close family and friends all pasted together with creative animation and photo montages. it really is an inspiring film about a very inspiriational man.
Here is the official website for the film.
if you've never heard of bill hicks or never really watched any of his standup then do yourself a favour and go forth and research.

Friday, 6 November 2009


You like big burly men who play 'a blend of Noise Rock, Experimental Jazz and Musique Concrete , that creates caustic soundscape with constant overtones of paranoia and revulsion'(!) who write books about fighting and like to strip down to their pants everytime they perform? yes? well then go see Oxbow at the Star and Garter in Manchester on tuesday please, because this will probably be one of the very few events which will satisfy your perverse interests...

Me and The Moon
Time, Gentlemen, Time
S Bar X

Oxbow are quite the intense band, notorious for their live performance and even more for their well hung front man (if you go then you'll understand, i'm not saying i know from experience, it's just well known...) there was an intereting article in The Wire or somewhere similar about the band saying something along the lines of why people have this curiosity about the group. is it purely due to their music? is it because Robinson is black? do people have this weird colonial interest in this seemingly ferocious, feral black fellow who strips down to his panties and often gets in fisticuffs? i t would be insulting to the band and to Robinson to suggest this, the music speaks for itself that's a certainty.
like Swans, Neurosis and oodles more hardcore, no wave, drone metal, whatever you want to call them bands, Oxbow produce a hypnotic soundtrack with layers of sound, whilst Robinson mutters and howls ominously underneath. they've got some nice collaborations featuring Jarboe and Robinson also features on Ruder Forms Survive the debut album by British doomy, ‘instru-prog-metal’ band Capricorns.

Robinson is quite the jack of all trades, writer, singer, agony aunt, actor and 1998 CAAT Heavyweight Men’s Sanshou champ...woof. his book is called 'Fight: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Ass Kicking But Were too Afraid you'd Get your Ass Kicked for Asking. ' the chapter on knives has been censored over here, what with everyone knifing each other and all that, we just cannot be trusted!

A worth while purchase i think you'll agree, i've always wanted to know how to kill someon
e with a palm strike.