There is something a little bit strange with the recent trend for employing a childlike voice, I’m not sure if it’s an intentional display of vulnerability, some sort of gesture of innocence or if the vocals in question naturally sound like that of a whining 4 year old?
Whinging infant aside, Victoria and Jacob: Super Computer is a little bit like marmite, not that you’ll either love it or hate it, it just seems a bit sticky and tar like in quality.
All the songs do appear to melt into each other, which is a criticism, Victoria and Jacob refuse to depart from the safe cove of infantile pop they have created, the melody sounds the same on all three songs.
The lyrics and vocals conjure up obvious comparisons to suburban chanteuses such as Thomas Tantrum and Kate nash. The childlike simplistic quality in the voice can be irritating in most parts but there are moments in the track ‘Lion Hunting’ which prove endearing.
The twinkly twee electro pop of Victoria and Jacob is pretty poorly produced and the computer syncopated beats synthetic and fake backing track does little to enhance the vocals. The best parts of the EP involve the variety of early learning instruments the duo employ, contributing to the nusery rhyme vocal delivery.
Elements of Joanna Newsome can be found if you look hard enough through a super strength microscope with an inbuilt heat detector but the lyrical themes are rather too ambiguous without being poetic and the songs generally uninspiring. Super computer?... Meh burn the computer.
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