At first i agreed with this sweeping statement. 'yar...' i thought 'boys do do it better'. however after a liddle bid of reflection AND on closer inspection, i've come to the conclusion that the aforementioned statement was, to put it bluntly, the quotation equivalent of a steaming pile of turd that sits crusting in the suns rays.
to make matters worse i think the quote can be attributed to a female band member, she was basically admitting to her own inferiority, to be fair her band are not particularly special.
Plankish though her statment was, it sort of proves how initially it's difficult to list great female artists and singers without going through the same old people.
I started thinking about no wave, the likes of lydia lunch, Jarboe and Diamanda galas, three women who i have ALWAYS meant to get into their work but have neglected to do so. their influences have stretched far and wide, they're all loud mouth bizznitches and a little bit weird...that's why i like them.
i also found a cool book which is home to an archive of interviews from 'punk planet' (punk rock zine i assume...i have little knowledge on the subject) in Oxfam a few months ago, there is a cool interview with kathleen hanna, she of Bikini Kill and Le Tigre fame. she's basically a stark raving feminist...but not in the way i have always assumed feminism to be, man hating. she puts up a good fight, she's eloquent, knowledgable, witty and doesn't contradict herself which is a surprising feat considering the conviction she has in her views. Hers was definately an inspirational point of view.
My new found gender awareness is thanks in part to listening to a lot of Ellie Greenwich stuff and The Slits this week. I've never really been a feminist or really taken the time to study in depth womens roles in society, however i still get supremely pissed off when i do take the time to think about the gender injustices that plague our world. i'm considering going on a tirade about this, perhaps in article form or something and link it in music, we'll see what happens with that one.
On the lady note i'm just getting into a novelist called Harry Crews, and coincidently Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth) and Lydia Lunch (Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, bummed around with Nick Cave back in the day) were in a short lived 'supergroup' in the late 80's which was based around him and his books...check him out he seems interesting. he's probably a misogynist like most of the people that appeal to me.
1 comment:
well i never gave it much thought when i was younger, never explored it as a principle and considered myself on the fence. obviously thanks to the likes of the women i mentioned in this post i realised that as a definition that is bollocks!
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